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Student Opportunities Bulletin Board
City Schools is sharing this content as requested by a community member. However, the sharing of this content does not imply or represent an endorsement or warranty by the school system.

Student Leaders
Want to start your own organization?
Connect with other students that share your interests.
Find a staff advisor.
Complete this application for a new organization & submit it to your principal.
Once approved, complete a resource request (En Espanol) for meeting spaces, materials, etc.
Was your application denied? Read about the appeals process (En Espanol).
Check out these videos for tips from other student leaders: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGo5Ib5Rlyd4zJYyPdjQw08SBuSs6gf3w

Online tools
Academic Success Habits
Take a look at these free resources to up your study game!