There are many ways you can get involved with leadership in City Schools. Student leaders advocate for their peers and use their voice to make their school and city better. They build skills like organization, independence, teamwork, communication, and listening. Student leaders have fun doing important work for their community and they make lifelong friendships.
Get involved in a leadership organization.
2023-24 ASCBC and Student Commissioner Elections
In November, ALL middle and high school students can vote, so be sure to save the dates and cast your vote! This will be your chance to pick which youth will represent your voice.
The Associated Student Congress of Baltimore City (ASCBC) is Baltimore’s elected student government who represents YOU and the Student Commissioner is the student who sits on the School Board. They have a say in City Schools policy (rules for all schools), the City Schools budget, and more.
Are you passionate about leadership and advocating for other youth? Apply as a candidate by September 18!
Save the dates:
September 18, 5 p.m.: Deadline to apply to be a candidate
October 9 to 29: Candidates will be campaigning. Middle and high schoolers: keep an eye out for posters and a voter guide at your school.
October 18: Meet the candidates at the Candidate Town Hall, streaming live on City Schools’ Youtube.
October 30 to November 2: Election week!
November 6: Election results announced
To learn more, ask the student government advisor at your school or check out ASCBC’s websit.
Youth Leadership Organizations