Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners to request proposals for new CEO search

Baltimore City Public Schools has posted a request for proposals seeking a firm to assist the Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners (Board) in its national search for the district’s next chief executive officer.

The Board is seeking experienced search firms with demonstrated expertise and success in recruiting CEOs or superintendents for K-12 school districts, particularly urban school districts and institutions of higher education. Learn more HERE.

Board's Vision

City Schools are safe learning environments where students receive a diverse and inclusive education that equips them for success.

Board's Mission

City Schools’ mission is to provide a quality education that focuses on the total development of each child equipping all students with the life skills and academic foundation needed to contribute to our changing society.

Board Strategic Priorities

Blueprint Achievement Goals

Blueprint Achievement Goals

The Blueprint + Our Community = Student Success

We’ve set three Blueprint Achievement Goals to transform our school system - and the lives of students – for the better. The goals are guided by:

Four goals that support the Blueprint for Student Success





Increase the student wholeness
composite score

Increase the % of students proficient on the MCAP ELA/Literacy assessment

Increase the 4-year
graduation rate

Increase the % of students proficient on the MCAP Grade 3-8 and Algebra I assessment

2025 Maryland General Assembly

Every year, the General Assembly convenes at the State House in Annapolis for a Legislative Session. This session is pivotal because the General Assembly modifies, introduces, and abolishes laws by presenting and approving bills or drafts of proposed legislation. These bills shape education policy, funding, and school system business operations. This year, over 400 education-focused bills will be presented.

The 2025 Legislative Session is the 447th session of the General Assembly and will convene in Annapolis, Maryland, from January 8 - April 7, 2025.

To recap what happened during the 2024 Legislative Session, the Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners presented a 2024 Maryland General Assembly End-of-Session report. To view each portion of the report, please click the four links below.

If you have any questions, please contact Dawana Merritt Sterrette, Esq., Director, Legislative and Government Affairs.

Contact the Board Office

The Board Office provides managerial, administrative, and operational support to the Board, oversees management and implementation of the district’s legislative agenda, and serves as the point of contact for intergovernmental affairs.

200 E. North Avenue
Room 406
Baltimore, MD 21202

Phone: 443-984-2000
Fax: 410-545-3613


Key staff:

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School Board Beat is an interactive newsletter that provides subscribers with information and resources strictly related to the Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners. Learn more about Board events, meetings, organizational updates, and more! Information is shared quarterly (every three months).