August 11, 2023

New Extended Learning Programs

Video: Sounds of Summer: B360 Summer Camp Open House

Baltimore City Public Schools is opening doors to a world of excitement and discovery beyond regular classes with new Extended Learning Opportunities. These programs give students a chance to dive into cool stuff that goes way beyond textbooks. Imagine working on real projects, getting your hands dirty, and solving real-life problems – that's what project-based learning is all about! This year City Schools provided about 150 seats for students to participate in the B360 Camp as a new extended summer learning opportunity to learn about STEM through dirt biking. Click the video link above to learn more!

These occasions don't just happen during the regular school day. They come to life after school, in extracurricular clubs, dynamic workshops, and even by teaming up with the local community. From science to arts, from creative entrepreneurship to teamwork, these programs aren't just about boosting grades – they're about boosting student brainpower, creativity, and teamwork skills for whatever awesome path they choose in the future.

City Schools is turning up the excitement by providing students with an extra boost and some super-powered support. Students who benefit from these programs get extra teaching when they need it, mentors that guide them, and access to awesome resources that make learning feel like an adventure. 

These special opportunities aren't just about passing tests – they're about students feeling proud of themselves and what they've accomplished. City Schools is on a mission to make sure every student, no matter what challenges they face, gets a chance to excel in their learning journey. As we keep rolling out more of these exciting learning options, we're not just helping students shine – we're helping the whole community shine by sparking a passion for learning and sharing knowledge.