Elementary Class

Board Meetings — August

  • August 13 — Special Board Meeting (9 A.M.)

  • August 20 — Policy Committee Meeting (4 P.M.)

  • August 27 — Public Board Meeting (5:30 P.M.)

If a Board meeting is virtually accessible, there will be two ways to join virtually. The first way is by clicking "How to Join," which will direct users to BoardDocs, where a link to the meeting will be listed along with the meeting ID and meeting password. The second way is using the meeting ID and meeting password on BoardDocs and manually inserting those codes into the Microsoft Teams meeting website.

Once you have successfully joined the meeting, please mute your microphone. If you are not a Board member or the CEO and their staff, please turn your video off. Anyone who does not mute their phone or turn off their video may be muted or removed from the meeting by the moderator. Thank you.

Board Meetings

Unless otherwise noted, meetings are held virtually and at the district administrative office (200 E. North Avenue). Minutes of past meetings are available on BoardDocs (from 2015 to the present; for minutes from earlier meetings, please contact the Board office), the Board's governance website. Captioned videos are posted to our YouTube channel as soon as possible after meeting dates. To find any meetings prior to the current school year, please visit our previous meeting playlist.

The public is invited to attend meetings except for closed sessions. See the meeting calendar. The Board reserves the right to reschedule meetings as needed.

Types of Board Meetings

The Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners hosts various meetings to conduct business related to City Schools. Most of these meetings are open to the public, and public comment is encouraged. Below is a listing of the different types of Board meetings.

School Board Meeting Recordings