From time to time, you may have concerns about what your child experiences at school. Here's how to resolve them and get the answers you need.
If your concern involves bullying, please read this detailed information.
For concerns about academic work, homework, grades, or classroom environment, speak with your child's teacher. If your concern is not resolved after talking with the teacher, contact your school's principal.
For concerns about school climate and safety, facilities, school budget, or staff members, contact your school's principal.
For concerns about City Schools Police, please submit a complaint here.
If your concern is not resolved at the school, the CEO ombudsman can help. (The ombudsman can also assist with concerns about district policies, curriculum, or other districtwide issues.) Here are the steps to follow.
Call the district office (443-984-2000) to say that you would like to make a complaint or express a concern. You will receive a reference number that you should keep to track the resolution of your complaint or concern.
If you have additional feedback or concerns that have not been acknowledged and reviewed within 48 hours, please call 410-545-1870 or email our office at email Ombudsman.
The CEO Ombudsman will initiate a review and work with the school and appropriate district offices as needed to help resolve the issue. This may involve mediation.
If mediation is unsuccessful or the matter remains unresolved, the CEO Ombudsman will make a decision.
If the issue is still unresolved, the complaint may be elevated to the CEO, the Board of School Commissioners, and the Maryland State Department of Education (in that order).
If you have a question or complaint about the City Schools website, please email Communications