Teacher giving class

State law provides that the Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners, with the advice of the CEO, determines the district's educational, management, maintenance, and operational policies. Policies are aligned with the Board's mission and goals, as well as with applicable federal and state laws. Administrative regulations guide how policies are implemented. Adopted policies are available on BoardDocs, the Board's governance website.

Policy Development Process

Policy development is a step-by-step process designed to be comprehensive, consistent, and open:

  1. Policy language is drafted and revised by staff with stakeholder input.

  2. Proposed policy language is presented to the Board's Policy Committee.

  3. Public comment is accepted for 30 days after the presentation, with staff members compiling a list of issues raised.

  4. 1st reader: Policy language is presented to the Board of School Commissioners, along with recommendations from the Policy Committee and a summary of the public comment received.

  5. A public forum or work session may be held to discuss the policy language.

  6. 2nd reader: Policy language is presented to the Board of School Commissioners, along with recommendations from the Board.

  7. The Board votes on the policy.

How Board Of School Commissioners Develops Policies

(Note that the Board may alter or suspend these procedures with a majority vote)

Providing Feedback on Board Policy

Public feedback plays a crucial role in the Policy Development Process. It allows the district to make effective and well-informed decisions while remaining accountable for the concerns shared by our students, staff, families, and communities. As a valued stakeholder, City Schools needs your feedback on the Board policies currently under revision. Using the Board Policy Feedback Form, you can directly share your thoughts on policies that affect you.

Policy Under Review

Purpose of Policy

Proposed Changes

Timeline for Policy Development

JFBB – Students in State-Supervised Care

The Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners (“Board”) is committed to ensuring that all children and youth have equal access to educational programs and school-related activities. To that end, the Board seeks to eliminate all barriers to the enrollment of children and youth who are in State-supervised care in Baltimore City. 

            B.  The Board is also committed to having staff identify and assist all children and youth in State-supervised care and enrolled in Baltimore City Public Schools (“City Schools”) in maintaining a stable educational environment as part of a school regular academic program.

Highlight the role of the Foster Care Liaison. 

Incorporate City Schools protocols for best interest determinations for students in State-supervised care, consistent with MSDE guidelines.

Clarify the role of the Office of Enrollment, Choice, and Transfer and the Office of Health and Specialized Student Services in the support of students in State-supervised care. 

Align the policy and administrative regulation with our MOU with DHS and add a section of transportation of students in State-supervised care.

May 21, 2024 – Policy Committee Meeting

Fall 2024* – First and Second Reader

DIC – Fiscal Management  

The purpose of this financial controls policy is to ensure that adequate fiscal responsibility and financial controls are maintained for all financial assets entrusted to Baltimore City Public Schools (City Schools)

The purpose of the proposed updates is to ensure our policies and regulations are aligned with Maryland law and our current practices. Some of the key features of the proposed revisions include the incorporation of pre-existing Board Rules within the following areas: 

  • Petty Cash Funds

  • Investments

  • An annual audit

  • Asset Capitalization

June 18, 2024 – Policy Committe

August 27, 2024 - Board Meeting – First Reader

October 8, 2024 - Board Meeting– Second Reader

*SY 24-25 Policy Committee Calendar is still under review for approval.

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