

Welcome to Medfield Heights Elementary School!

Medfield Heights is a Pre-K through 5th grade elementary school located in Northwest Baltimore, Maryland. We are most proud of our diverse student population, including students from 22 different countries. Our students are happy to come to school every day and participate in our regular programming as well as our vast amount of after-school clubs. We take great pride in the amount of parent and community support we receive. Through these partnerships, we are able to offer enrichment activities such as a Chess Club, a growing instrumental music program, STEAM activities, Literacy Week, Math Night, Fun Run, Field Day, two field trips per year, and much more. In 2018, we became a Gifted and Advanced Learners' Site, now with 121 students identified as Gifted, Advanced, or Talent Development. Our teachers and staff are exceptionally dedicated to developing our students into responsible, respectful, and resourceful community members. We believe in student, parent, and teacher voices and make decisions based on input from our stakeholders. We are truly invested in the school community. Collaboratively, we continue to reflect and evolve to meet the needs of all of our students in order to challenge all learners equitably and effectively.

Official state grade band:


Grades served:

Pre-k to 5

Number of students:


Enrollment type:


Management type:


Building info:

21st-century scheduled

School Performance

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School leader: Cathy O'Neill

4300 Buchanan Ave
Baltimore, MD 21211

Opening bell: 9:00 AM
Closing bell: 3:40 PM

Community learning network: 2