Furley Elementary School develops lifelong learners and problem solvers with the skills to become productive citizens and future leaders. As part of our positive environment, we welcome parents/guardians, family members, and all community stakeholders in supporting our students to become college and career ready, equipped with problem-solving strategies and skills that will prepare them to compete in a global society. Working together as a team, we hold high expectations for all members of our school community to contribute to creating a school climate that is safe, orderly, and inviting, where students will flourish and achieve success. The Board of School Commissioners voted on January 11, 2022, to amend Exhibit 6 of the 21st Century Buildings Plan to extend the length of time the schools housed in the Thurgood Marshall Building remain in the building through the 2024-25 school year. To learn more about this decision and decisions affecting other schools and what this means for your school, please visit the City Schools Annual Review of Schools page found here: https://www.baltimorecityschools.org/annual-review.