Performance Evaluations for Non-certificated Employees

2023-24 Evaluations

Baltimore City Public Schools is committed to authentic employee evaluations, grounded by accurate observations of practice and meaningful feedback. We recognize the importance of each employee receiving feedback on their performance and impact and being recognized for the role they play in support of our students and families.

From the professional development goals set in an employee’s Individual Development Plan to the feedback they receive during a conference with their evaluator, steps in the evaluation cycle can be one part of an employee’s personalized learning and support during this school year.

Performance Evaluation for Non-certificated Employees

Annual evaluations and other conference forms for all Non-Certificated Staff: CUB, FOP, GSS, L44, and PSRP employees can be accessed by employees through Employee Self Service and by supervisors through Manager Self Service.  This will allow employees to access and respond to their evaluation forms once shared electronically by their supervisors. 

An overview of key tasks and dates is provided below. All Non-Certificated employees and their supervisors are encouraged to watch the 2023-24 Plug & Play narrated presentation once available. 

Key tasks and dates

  • By October 27: Initial Conference and Individual Development Plan 

  • By January 31: Midyear Conference

    • By February 15: Midyear Conference for unaffiliated employees

  • One week before the last day of school for employees: Annual Evaluation

    • By July 31: Annual Evaluation for unaffiliated employees

      • For electronic evaluation forms, there is a task deadline and often a later date when electronic access to the forms will close. This gives some time for evaluators and employees to make sure information has been entered into the appropriate system, to review, and to add comments or attachments as needed.

      • GCO-RF outlines a 30 calendar day window to ensure information in the electronic system is accurate. After the electronic system closes, please contact the Office of Human Capital or your evaluator within this 30 calendar day window if you realize information in the electronic system needs to be updated.

Note that if a deadline falls on a weekend or holiday, the deadline will move to the next workday.

Evaluation forms

Help guides for completing and responding to evaluations